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Published on 12th December, 2022
Healing the Enemy by Larry Garrett






第一章 イラクへの招待
第二章 イラクまでの六〇〇〇マイル
第三章 バグダッドに到着
第四章 ウダイ・フセインとの対面
第五章 世界中が恐れる男の心の中へ
第六章 魔法の街、バグダッドを行く
第七章 スーフィ寺院での奇蹟
第八章 「世界で最も偉大な国」
第九章 古代都市バビロンを行く
第十章 バグダッド最後の夜
第十一章 シカゴへの帰途
第十二章 FBIからの電話
第十三章 ザカーリからの依頼
第十四章 二度目目のイラク招聘
第十五章 バグダッド再訪一日目:湾岸戦争の傷跡
第十六章 九・一一、イラクに独り
第十七章 ウダイからのプレゼント
第十八章 経済制裁
第十九章 アミリヤ・バンカー
第二十章 悲劇の真ん中で
第二十一章 病気、贈り物、そして帰国
エピローグ 第二次湾岸戦争

C0098 ¥1800E


A memoir of an American hypnotist, who was invited to Iraq in 2001 to treat Udai Hussein, the eldest son of Sadam Hussein. In that year, the author visited Iraq in May and September. During the second visit the September 11 attacks occurred in the U.S.
The story literally is "stranger than fiction", and is absolutely worth reading to see what was really happening at that time in Iraq. It was in 2003 when the author completed his draft but the book was not published until 2008 for being blacklisted in the U.S.
This work is enjoyable from many different aspects, not only the author's internal conflict and his relationship with "the patient" but also the sceneries of desert, Iraqi's culture, daily lives, historical stories and monuments, investigation by FBI, the impact of the Gulf war and economic sanctions, and most of all, hypnosis.



Despite the attacks and sanctions due to the Gulf war, Iraqi people had no hatred or resentment to the American hypnotist. Quite the contrary, they showed their deepest sympathy and condolence for the news of the 9.11 tragedy. This was a big surprise for the author.
It might be their experiences of losing loved ones that made them possible to understand and sympathize with the grief and sufferance of American people during the tragic events.
Hignly recommended as a thought-provoking book: it is not conflicts that bring the solution, but the deep understanding and compassion to others.

(Cited passages from the original book)
These people are very special. They love as I have never seen love before en masse. They hold no hatred for the country that ruined their lives for eleven years and took thousands of lives at the time of the Gulf War—and millions through its after-effects of hunger, sickness, and want. I have seen much of the devastation that they suffered resulting from the war. They act as though it is nothing. They just went back out and rebuilt. Nearly every neighborhood that you walk through carries scars of the Gulf War. I wonder how people that have been through this kind of devastation can be so compassionate at this time with the horrors that we are suffering in the United States. (pp.211-212, Garrett, Larry. Hypnotizing the Devil, by Kindle)

1942 年生まれ。ギャレット催眠・健康センター所長。1968-69 年にアメリカ催眠研究所(The National Hypnotic Institute)にて、催眠のトレーニングを受ける。その後、米国催眠士協会 (NGH)認定催眠士として、50 年以上に渡って、催眠を行っている。催眠士としての活動に加え、イリノイ州のコミュニティカレッジでは 30 年近く教鞭を取る他、医師と協力して催眠を活用した治療なども数多く行っている。
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