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Published on 1st August, 2024

カワズ第3号・Kawaz Issue 3

A third place for thinking and reflflection towards sustainable living and community


カワズ第3号・Kawaz Issue 3


In the third issue, we covered people engaged in recycle and upcycle activities, who are so attractive as starting from small things to be effective and thoughtful about the environment, communities, and other people!

ISBN978-4-910963-04-4 C0030 ¥909E 定価1000 円(本体909 円+税10%)
※共感コミュニティ通貨 eumo でのお支払いをご希望の方は、下記フォームよりお申込み下さい。(折り返し、支払い用URLをお送り致します。)


KAWAZ is a book focusing on "sustainable living and communities". It celebrates those who are trying to create different ways of living and connecting with others from brand new perspectives.
Recently, we more often hear sustainability and SDGs, but it seems that we still maintain the capitalistic mind since the previous century. As wanting to shift to a new mind set, we collected ideas and activities that inspire us for sustainable living and communities. We are trying to create a third place for thinking and reflection to facilitate such shifts.
It will be issued twice a year, and all articles are written both in Japanese and English.

~ mame-eco ~  Gary & 順子ブルームさん

~ K-NET! ~ 風間英美子さん

~ 子育てカフェ eatoco & 物々交換ものくる ~  阿部直子さん

●手作りマフィンのアップサイクル :イタリアに学ぶ障がい者福祉
~ ソテリアファーム ~  塚本さやかさん・大渕眞理さん

● 個性的な野菜のアップサイクル :べじからふる絵の具
~ ラピスプライベート ~ 山内瑠華さん

~ 海洋ゴミアート ~ ブルース・オズボーンさん & 井上佳子さん

●「 ほんのまち構想」を妄想する?!

絵本翻訳家・まちライブラリー@ブックハウスカフェ主宰 橋爪千代子さん

NPO PJ JASMINE 理事長 岡京子さん

樹木医・エスフィールズ代表 宇田川健太郎さん

●無様たれ ― リ・スキリングよりもリ・マインド by 福井 智也

●ブリストルのフードロス対策 by トム・ハリスン

●森孝一著「宗教からよむ『アメリカ』」by 高野モモ

●「万能感」とは? by ペガ(カワズ編集長)

〇 Cover Stories -- Recycle and Upcycle
●Simplicity and Sustainability
Mame-Eco’s Gary & Junko Bloom

●Upcycling Kimonos and Welfare Trade
Emiko Kazama, President of K-NET!

●Windows Wide Open: Opening Our Community
Naoko Abe, Moms’ Café Eatoco & Direct exchange market Monokuru

●Empowering People with Disabilities through Handmade Muffin Upcycling
Sayaka Tsukamoto & Mari Obuchi, Soteria Firm

● Upcycling Unique Vegetables: Vege-Colourful Paints
Ruka Yamauchi, Lápiz Private

● Beyond the Surface: The Deeper Meaning of Marine Debris Art
Bruce Osborn a photographer & Yoshiko Inoue

〇 Experimenting the Third Place for Thinking
●Issues and Ideas for Community Building from Multidimensional Perspectives
●Realising the Book Town Project

〇 Special Interviews
●Building Community: Lessons from French Public Libraries
Chiyoko Hashizume, Picture book translator

● Delivering Schooling and Hope to a Village in Pakistan
Kyoko Oka, President of NPO PJ JASMINE

〇 Artist in your neighbourhood
●Guiding Harmony Between Humans and Nature
Kentaro Udagawa, Tree Doctor & President of ES-FIELDS

〇 New Work Styles
●A Return to the Beginner’s Spirit - To Develop a New Career by Tomoya Fukui

〇 Communities Across the World
●The Bristol Waste Company: Tackling Food Waste in the City by Thom Harrison

〇 Book Review
●Deciphering the Spiritual Traditions of America by Koichi by Momo Takano

〇 To Create Alternative Stories (No. 3)
●What is Omnipotence? by Pega, KAWAZ Editor in chief
● Editorial Meeting - as a 3rd place -

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