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Books on Iraq / イラク関連の本紹介 (6)


Books on Iraq / イラク関連の本紹介 (6)

People in Iraq / イラクの人々

As I was wondering how the people who Larry met in Iraq are living while translating his book, I picked up some books written by the persons who had visited Iraq, especially the ones who visited there just before the Iraq war. "By Crossing a small bridge in Iraq" (Kobunsha Bunko) by Natsuki Ikezawa is one of such books. 

Mr. Ikezawa visited Iraq at the end of October, 2002. At the time he was working on a journal article titled "Thoughts on Civilization through Ruins", by visiting ruins across the world in a series. Although he didn't expect it was possible to visit Mesopotamia region, but in May 2002 he got to the point where one knows it was not that hard to get a visa to visit Iraq. In the book, he wrote "When I thought about Iraq, I wanted to know, if they go to war, what kind of people are to be attacked. Because there is no media who tries to report these people, I felt I should go and see by myself". 

Similar to Larry's impression, the people Mr. Ikezawa saw in Baghdad were so cheerful and very kind. He noticed that supply shortages were everywhere due to the sanction after the Gulf war, which is exactly the same as Larry experienced. 

"People in Iraq are jolly and frisky. Their emotions are clear on face and words. Not only because of their curiosity to foreigners. As I watch, they start talking to strangers then intimate conversation. Here, there seem to be no barriers between people." 

In Mr. Ikezawa's book, it is obvious that people in Iraq are so positive and kind. I thought they are the people who Larry was so fascinated. Mr. Ikezawa wrote that he met a group of American tourists in Mosul, in north Iraq. Because there are precious archeological sites in Iraq, there might have been enthusiastic history funs secretly visiting Iraq from the U.S. As Mr. Ikezawa wrote, it is hard to imagine what stories they will tell when going back to the U.S. 

In the afterword, he said "Now Iraq cannot be a threat for the U.S. in any sense, and the justification for war is flimsy. Nevertheless, there is no country that can stop the war in Iraq. If it is not possible to stop the war in Iraq, then much less for the next war". I cannot but feel the importance of his words, reflecting the situation after the Iraq war.

ラリーが見てきたイラクの風景は、実際のところ、どうだったのだろうと思い、イラクを訪問した人たちの本も読みました。なるべく近い時期のものが良いと思い、イラク戦争直前のものを選びました。 池澤夏樹さんの『イラクの小さな橋を渡って』(光文社文庫)もその一つです。




 池澤さんの本を読んでも、イラクの人たちの前向きで親切な様子が分かります。ラリーが深く惹かれたのも、こういったイラクの人たちなのだなあと思いました。 イラク北部のモスルという街では、アメリカ人の観光客グループに会ったと言います。イラクには貴重な遺跡も多いので、熱心な考古学ファンなどがこっそりと訪問していたのかも知れません。帰国後、彼らがどんな風にイラクの印象を話すのか、池澤さんも不思議に思われていました。 


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