Publishing the First Book / 新刊発行
Book Donation / 献本してきました
By looking back now, it took me for 5 months to publish the first book. Japan ISBN agency makes a publisher's manual available, where we can find what to do when publishing a new book. It says donating the book to the national diet library is one of the "obligations".
So instructed, I had to but it's still impossible for me to believe that the book of my creation to be in the collection of the national library.
Lacking a sense of reality, I checked the donation procedure, and went to the library to donate. I had to go to the back entrance, not the main entrance for library users. When I told the guard "I came to donate a new book", he told me to write down my name and gave me a budge to wear in the building. I walked through the gloomy hallway, which seemed to me to be very much a back office of the library.
Although publishers are obliged to donate one copy of every new publication, they can donate two copies so that the book will be available both at the main library in Tokyo and the branch in Kyoto. I donated two. It still feels like unrealistic, but I'm glad to fulfilled a duty.
納入義務があるのは1部ですが、2部寄付すると東京本館と関西館で所蔵することになるとあったので、一応2部寄贈してきました。 まったく実感が湧きませんが、何とか出版社としての義務を果たして一安心です。