Making the first book / 初めての書籍制作
What I Started With / 最初にやったこと
Today, I would like to write about what I did for the first time to make a book.
Before doing anything for real book making, I took a preliminary step to figure out how to make books. This was one thing that I did before starting the publisher. I searched on the internet, and found out that there is a DTP (desktop publishing) software called "InDesign" by Adobe. Immediately I downloaded the trial version, and started their tutorials. It wasn't too difficult, and I had some sort of a good feeling.
This was a good start, because If I have to subcontract all the work, the cost for book making would be too high and the publishing business would be impossible. Although I managed to make page layouts, there were (and still are) many details I need to know. So, I asked an expert in this field for advice. He was no doubt a very good teacher and advisor, who I sincerely respect and appreciate.
The next step was editing. I hired a professional editor for proofreading and refining my draft. Although I had checked more than several times, there were terrifyingly so many errors and mistakes the editor found. I was very lucky to have been supported by such a kind and careful professional.
But for just doing these, 3 months had elapsed since founding the company. For our first work "Healing the enemy", the translation had been done long before the company formation. My original plan was to publish a book very quickly, but things don't go as planned.
まず、会社の立ち上げ前に、本はどうやって作るのかを調べるところから始まりました。 ネットで調べて、版組を作るInDesignというソフトがあることを知り、さっそくお試し版をダウンロードしてチュートリアルをやってみたところ、結構使えるようになるかもという感覚がありました。
版組の作業まで外注したらコスト的に賄えないなー、と思っていたのですが、自分で出来そうだったのでまずは一安心。 とはいえ、細かい設定など自分では調べきれない点は、プロのアドバイスを受けました。長くご経験のある方ですが、とても親切丁寧に教えて下さり、本当に感謝しています。
そんなこんなで、7月15日に会社を立ち上げてから、ここまで来るのに、3ヶ月ほど掛かってしまいました。 スタジオペガサスの第1作である『悪人が癒されるとき』の翻訳は、会社立ち上げのずっと前に終わっていたので、会社を起こしたら、猛ダッシュで出版するつもりだったのですが、何事も予定通りには進まないものです。