Introduction to Larry / ラリーとの出会い
Suddenly Started Learning Hypnosis / 突然、催眠を習い始めた話
Larry Garrett, the author of "Healing the Enemy" for the very first book we published, came into my life truly by chance.
Recalling that time, it was around the very beginning of November in 2021, I suddenly got an idea of "learning hypnosis!". As I searched on the internet, there was a course held in the next week!!
For me, it is normal to be trapped in negative thoughts such as "that's stupid, it won't give you anything!" and remain undecided. I don't know why, but I signed up right away at that time.
Furthermore, after participating the basic class, I continued to the advanced and application classes. I was really into hypnosis. In the classes, they taught "classical" types of hypnosis such as suggestions and age regression techniques. They also held monthly practice sessions, and at the very first one I attended I met a person who is a close friend of Larry. We had lunch together just by chance. She talked about Larry's book and said that the author was looking for a translator.
I knew nothing about Uday or Iraq, but said "I can do that!" as I felt it sounded interesting. At that time, I thought it would be possible to translate and privately pint the copies.
I never thought I would start a publisher and publish the book by myself!! One's life takes really unexpected course sometimes. By the way, after taking some classes at the same school, I switched to another one to take some more classes. Just one year after I met Larry, I fell out of enthusiasm into hypnosis. I don't know why this time either. If this was made by my subconsciousness, I cannot help but being so interested!
しかも、3日間のベーシック講座を受講したあと、すぐに翌月開催されるアドバンスト講座まで申し込んだというハマりぶりです。 催眠講座では、いわゆる暗示や年齢退行といった古典的な催眠療法を教えており、月に1度の練習会も開催していたのですが、ベーシック講座を受けた、すぐまた翌週に開催された練習会に参加したときのこと、たまたまランチをご一緒した方が、ラリーの本を紹介してくれたのです。
その方は、著者が日本語に翻訳してくれる人を探しているという話も聞かせてくれました。 そのころ、私はウダイのこともイラクのことも、殆ど何も知らなかったのですが、「何となく面白そうだ」と思って、「私が翻訳しましょうか?」と申し出ていました。
その時は、翻訳して自費出版するくらいなら出来るだろうと軽い気持ちで考えていたのですが、まさか自分で出版することになるとは夢にも思いませんでした。人生とは本当に不思議なものだと思います。 ちなみに、最初通った学校で幾つかの催眠講座を受講した後は、別の先生に習うようになり、ラリーに出会ってから、ちょうど1年が過ぎようとする頃に、何故か催眠熱は冷めました。これが潜在意識のなせる業だとしたら、本当に不思議です!