About Hypnosis / 催眠について思うところ
Our Mind as a Universe / 心という宇宙
In the previous blog, I wrote that I suddenly started learning hypnosis some little while ago. When I collected information about hypnosis, I was quite surprised and amazed at the universe of the mind.
First of all, our mind is normally confined to the things we are currently focusing on. It's totally up to the person what and how to focus upon, but there normally are certain patterns formulated through the culture and education. This is not a problem at all insofar as one can move on with that pattern, but if one gets traumatized then it often leads the person into a pattern which do not work well. (And probably, there are quite some occasions such things could happen.)
Patterns of our thinking or one's own conventional mindsets are not so easily seen by the person, somehow similar to the person who is looking for the glasses with wearing it on his head. It's very strange, but he is not convinced just by being told he is wearing the glasses by somebody, unless he realizes it by seeing himself on a mirror. Hypnosis is a tool to help someone to realize what he or she is really feeling and thinking. Because of the conventional thought patterns, we often cannot think or feel differetly.
Therefore, "reframing" can be seen a kind of hypnosis as well. But sometimes refraiming doesn't easily work. If the person has a trauma, it becomes extremely difficult for him to be released from the pattern. For such situation, hypnosis could be useful.
One's memory is consist with the episode memory and the emotional memory that was felt at the time of the event. They are kept together in our brain and being processed as time goes (i.e., will be forgotten). But at a traumatic event, these memories separate from each other. Then unpleasant or very bad emotions remain unprocessed because they don't have corresponding episode. If one is hypnotized to go back the memory and find the episode that matches with the emotion, the memory of trauma will be processed and finally be forgotten.
Too deep wound leaves scar, and this must be the same both for body and mind. It is extremely interesting that our pattern of thinking is deeply influenced by our emotions.
まず、私たちの意識は非常に限定的であり、今フォーカスしている範囲しか見えていないということ。何にどうやってフォーカスするかは、その人の自由ですが、文化や教育によって、フォーカスの仕方には一定のパターンが出来てしまう。 その思考パターンで上手く成長していければ良いけれど、幼児期のトラウマなどによって、上手くいかないパターンに陥ってしまうこともある。(そして、たぶん、そういう事は多い。)
だから、〝リフレーミング〟とかも催眠の一種。 ただ、トラウマがあると、問題となっている思考パターンから抜け出せなくなってしまうので、それを解消するために退行催眠などもあります。
そもそも、人の記憶と言うのは、出来事に関する記憶と、その時感じた感情の記憶の2種類があり、通常、それらはセットで記憶され、時間と共に処理される、つまり、忘却されてしまう。 トラウマとなるような出来事では、ショックの余り、これら2つの記憶が乖離してしまい、その時の不快な感情だけが残ってしまうのだけれど、それに対応する出来事が分からなくなっているので、記憶が処理されない。催眠を掛けて記憶を遡り、不快な感情に対応する出来事を思い出すことが出来れば、トラウマの記憶も適切に処理され、やがて忘れ去られていく。
傷が深すぎると、完全に傷跡が消えないというのは、肉体でも心でも同じということなのでしょうか。 私たちの思考パターンが感情に大きく影響されているというのは非常に興味深いことだと思いました。